For Students

I use a ''popular education” approach to staff development and training. These activities are dialogical and participatory, designed to engage each person to expand her or his consciousness and see oneself as a person of consequence in a broader historical context.

Education as a Practice of Social Change

"A very good way to really understand Paulo Freire, Pedagogy of the Oppressed, and popular education. Michael and the other facilitators aren't just teaching the theory, but practicing grassroots pedagogy."    Sara Mohktari-Fox

This is a participatory, out-of-the-box introduction to Freire-based theory and method.

It is facilitated as if the class is a grassroots organization, designed to empower students for reflection and action both within and beyond the college or university.

Learn the theory by doing the method.

"I read Paulo Freire and thought I understood it. I really didn't! I realized this after we did "Education as a Practice of Social Change."  I like the part when we were asked to read a particular theory,like "fear of freedom," relate it to our personal experience, then share it with the class. It shows that we have a lot to teach as well as to learn"   Lee M.

The Social Biography

A great workshop for developing a critical self-awareness, building trust and unity of your group, and reaffirming personal and collective commitment

Know your story or someone will know it for you: understanding my life in social, political, economic, historical, and spiritual context
Finding my voice: sharing and presenting my experience with meaning and authority

Org Empowerment

"You can use this activity to get your organization to regain its focus and bring other people in. It also helped us understand what kind of immediate change is possible, and what is beyond our reach."    Lauren Lystrap

Activities include:

Conjunctural analysis: assessing the political "moment" of your organization, campaign, or movement in its broader context.  Achievements and problems; possibilities and limits

Social biography:  building unity through sharing stories, hopes, and dreams

Ask about 'customizing' workshops to meet the needs of your class or organization

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